
Ann Yoachim

Director and Professor of Practice

Ann brings experience in building partnerships across campus-community boundaries as well as supporting meaningful change through research and interdisciplinary collaboration.  She is focused on facilitating this collaboration to shape built, natural and social environments that impact health and wellness. 

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Emilie Taylor Welty

Assistant Director, Design/Build

Emilie brings experience and praxis in the making and teaching of design. She is a leader in the design/build field, and at Small Center, she focuses on teaching students how to be better designers, makers, and citizens.

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Nick Jenisch

Project Manager

With experience in teaching, project management, and planning across continents, Nick brings a deep understanding of urban scale and the regional context of Small Center’s projects. As a Project Manager, Nick keeps track of project schedules and budgets, and stewards relationships in both the public and private sector.

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José Cotto

Collaborative Design Project Manager

With experience in the design + build, arts + culture, and education + community engagement worlds in New Orleans, José brings a broad skillset to the Small Center team. As the Collaborative Design Project Manager, José works to advance the projects and mission of the Small Center through the ongoing building and cultivation of partnerships with Tulane University departments and community stakeholders throughout the city, as well as working to make critical resource and knowledge connections across Small Center projects.

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Former Small Center Staff

Rashidah Williams

Assistant Director, 2017-2021

As Assistant Director, Rashidah oversaw the RFP process for potential future projects and coordinated the communications and engagement strategy for the Small Center. Rashidah came to Small Center with experience in community engagement, design, business development, and administration. With a background in architecture, urban design, and graphic design, Rashidah brought a desire to create strategies that allow New Orleans to function at its full potential. Born and raised in New Orleans, Rashidah brought unique insight into how the culture and context of her hometown captivate residents’ and visitors’ hearts and minds.

Donn Peabody

Operations Coordinator, 2015-2019

In Memoriam

Donn was native of New Orleans who knew everyone, and never encountered a stranger. All were welcome in his heart with a kind word and smile. Donn had extensive experience in the nonprofit, corporate, and hospitality worlds, with both local and national organizations. As Operations Coordinator, Donn kept Small Center running smoothly through building calendar coordination of for community events and classes, simultaneous organization of 5 different budgets, and supervision of student workers. When Donn wasn’t putting out the various fires at Small Center, Donn he spent his time as confidant, counselor and resident therapist. Donn was fierce LGBTQIA advocate who created community and intergenerational modes of exchange as NOAGE board member and past member of the NOAIDS task force. Donn passed in October 2019 of brain cancer which was a tragic loss to The Small Center, Tulane University, alumni that loved him dearly. We will never forget Donn and his legendary personality, we know his green eyes look down on us with love.

Sue Mobley

Public Programs Manager, 2015-2018

Sue is now the Director of Research at Monument Lab, following work as Co-Director at Colloqate Design. As Public Programs Manager of the Small Center, Sue helped to develop our public programs with the creation of Red Beans Roundtables, workshops, charrettes and the execution of various exhibits in the Small Center storefront space. Sue gathered people from different fields and backgrounds for great conversations about critical issues affecting New Orleans and as the past-lead researcher, writer, and organizer of Small Center’s exhibits, Sue also led Small Center’s evaluation process for past projects. With a background in political science, anthropology, and sociology, Sue was instrumental in pushing our design students to think about the context of Small Center’s projects and partners’ work.

Maggie Hansen

Director, 2014–2017

Maggie Hansen is now Assistant Professor at The University of Texas at Austin School of Architecture. As Director of Small Center, Maggie shaped Small Center’s work with her passion for public spaces and her commitment to supporting a collaborative approach and strong team. She instituted the Center’s Advisory Council, Faculty Advisory Group, and Strategic Planning process, and helped foster relationships across the private and public sectors. Maggie also worked to establish long-term funding streams, a research-based pedagogy, and oversaw Small Center’s renaming and rebranding process.

Maurice Cox

Director, 2012–2014

Maurice Cox now serves as the director of planning and development for the city of Detroit. As Director of Tulane City Center, Maurice was pivotal in the launch of our Baronne Street facility. He was also the first Associate Dean for Community Engagement in our School’s history, helping to bring together diverse elements of the Tulane School of Architecture’s commitment to create and support positive change in the City of New Orleans.

Scott D. Bernhard

Director, 2007–2012

Scott Bernhard is the Jean and Saul A. Mintz Associate Professor at the Tulane School of Architecture in New Orleans where he has been a member of the faculty for more than 26 years. As Director, Scott was instrumental in establishing the program as Tulane School of Architecture’s primary venue for outreach. He was design lead for numerous projects, including Grow Dat Youth Farm. Scott continues to be an important ally and advisor to the Small Center team.

Alan Lewis

Founding Director, 2005–2006

Alan Lewis is now the Marketing Director and Principal at Hargreaves Associates, Inc. in San Francisco. Alan worked with former Tulane School of Architecture (TSA) Dean Reed Krolof, former TSA Associate Dean Ila Berman, and former TCC Associate Director Dan Etheridge to establish the Center and generate initial funding to support a rapid start-up to begin addressing the myriad difficulties faced by New Orleans at that time.

Dan Etheridge

Founding Associate Director, 2005–2013

Dan Etheridge is now the owner of Pagoda Cafe, a 1920s Chinese laundromat-turned-restaurant on Bayou Road and continues to lead the Design Futures Student Forum, an annual interdisciplinary conference that brings together Public Interest Design student leaders and university faculty from across the country. Dan was instrumental in shaping the Center’s mission and approach to community-engaged design. He continues to be an important ally in the field.

Byron Mouton

URBANbuild Director, 2005–present

UrbanBuild began as a part of Tulane City Center, and is now an independent program at the Tulane School of Architecture, led by Byron Mouton.

Doug Harmon

Director, CityBuild, 2005–2007

Doug Harmon served as director of the CityBuild program, which operated from 2005–2007. Doug continues to collaborate with Small Center and teaches at Tulane School of Architecture as an Adjunct Associate Professor of Architecture, in addition to running his own design practice here in New Orleans.

Shoshana Gordon

Program Assistant, AmeriCorps VISTA, 2015-2018

Dozenia Marshall

Accounting Clerk, 2012–2015

John Coyle

AmeriCorps VISTA, 2014–2015

Carey Clouse

Project Manager, 2011–2012

Alison Popper

Graphic Designer, 2009–2010

Olivia Stinson

Senior Program Coordinator, 2006

Jenga Mwendo

Engagement Coordinator, 2013–2014

Recent Awards + Publications

2017 Barbara E. Moely Service Learning Teaching Award

Tulane University Center for Public Service

2017 Malcolm Heard Award for Excellence in Teaching

Tulane School of Architecture

Speaker, Symposium on Community Engagement / Affordable Housing

Dallas Architecture Forum and UTA College of Architecture

Leader, Design Build Workshop

2017 ACSA Annual Meeting, Detroit

2012 Loeb Fellow

Harvard Graduate School of Design

Excellence In Sustainability Honorable Mention - Hollygrove Greenline

U.S. Green Building Council Louisiana

Architecture Honorable Mention - Hollygrove Greenline

AIA New Orleans

2019 Malcolm Heard Award for Excellence in Teaching

Tulane School of Architecture

Honor Award - Gander Point

AIA New Orleans

Merit Award - Gander Point

AIA Gulf States

New, more welcoming respite spot at Ozanam Inn

Clarion Herald